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22 matches found for 'words'

2023's EOY Tech Buzz Words

Here are some great buzz words to learn so that engineers and colleagues at work will think you're less of an imposter at work ;) Generative AI With the following of ChatGPT, "generative AI" has caught on as a buzz word.

Build a Trie in Python

Problem In computer science, a trie (pronounced "try"), also called digital tree, radix tree or prefix tree, is a kind of search treeā€”an ordered tree data structure used to store a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are usually strings.

Reversing words in a string : the double reverse

Problem Reverse all words (separated by space) in a string Input \(s\) - a string Approach Nice case and point for really examining the examples. First, a few examples of reversing words in a string.

Replace all occurrences of a space inside an array

... before resuming the former logic. Solution # assumes that A has enough space to contain the words def replace_all(A, word): # count blanks blanks = 0 size = 0 for i, c in enumerate(A): if c == ' ': blanks += 1 elif c is None: break size += 1 last_char_ptr = size final_char_ptr = final_size = size + ((len(word) - 1) * blanks) while last_char_ptr > 0: if A[last_char_ptr] != ' ': A[final_char_ptr] = A[last_char_ptr] final_char_ptr -= 1 else: ctr = len(word) - 1 while ctr >= 0: A[final_char_ptr] = word[ctr] ctr -= 1 final_char_ptr -= 1 last_char_ptr -= 1 return "".

RNN - Recurrent Neural Networks

... can try to predict what the word is by looking at some of the words right before it (speak, fluent) but is that really sufficient to guess this word? (The first word offers the most context).

A primer on MapReduce

... ff := func(r rune) bool { return !unicode.IsLetter(r) } // split contents into an array of words. words := strings.FieldsFunc(contents, ff) kva := []mr.

Webpack: Usage Examples

Webpack has been around since 2012 and it is a very popular tool nowadays. You'll see it mentioned in a lot of front-end stacks. I've personally used it to power this blog and a handful of my own React projects such as https://classic-ah.

Next Permutation

... left until we encounter an index \(i\) such that \(nums[i] \geq nums[i+1]\) -- or in other words, when we have found an element that is not in descending order. Once we have found the first element that is not in descending order from the right (call the index, \(swap_i\)), we'll have to search the right side now for an element that is just larger than that element.

A guide to const in C++

... operator in such a way that it retains some of the meaning of its nonoverloaded form. In other words, you normally wouldn't want to do something like this: (w1 + w2).someFunction() because if you use the + operator in its normal way you wouldn't (and couldn't) do something like: (2 + 2).

Tenets of Leetcode

Disclosure I'm a simple guy who did a handful of interviews at tech startups and enterprise companies until I landed an offer at FAANG. I'm also fairly involved with interview loops at my FAANG company.

Software Methodologies

Agile Agile in a nutshell is basically a set of principles laid out to promote fast and efficient development cycles. Scrum Scrum is an Agile methodology, so it attempts to cover the Agile principles by bringing in processes and rules to help facilitate them.

RDBMS Indexing

... the wiki: An index ( plural: usually indexes, more rarely indices; see below) is a list of words or phrases ('headings') and associated pointers ('locators') to where useful material relating to that heading can be found in a document or collection of documents.

Misconceptions of Software Engineer interviews at FAANG

... you should move fast (or similar to the software engineering world - fail fast). In other words, keep interviewing even after you finished a round of interviews. Don't spend too much time focusing on hearing back or dwelling on past interviews.

Bloom Filter

... are chosen in a way such that they try to give a unique answer as much as possible. In other words, hash1() shouldn't generate the same index as hash2() or hash3(), ideally. var jsav = new JSAV("av-sym"); jsav.

Web Development 101

... some new data into the Model (database). React React is a library for MVC Views. In other words, it's main purpose is to build user interfaces. With React, the view is consisted of entities called Components.

Forward Proxy and Reverse Proxy

... proxy. In a reverse proxy architecture however, the hidden entities are reversed. In other words, the clients are not aware if they are talking to a proxy or the server. The story continues.

Counting the path of sums

Description Given a binary tree with nodes containing integer values (positive or negative), how can you count up all the paths that equal to some target sum? Note, that the paths do not have to start from the root; it may start from any sub-tree and end at another sub-tree, as long as the path goes down the tree.

Algorithm Handbook

Introduction Welcome to the algorithm handbook wiki! In this wiki you will find a mini-cheat sheet overview of data structures, and examples of their usages in modern languages. Algorithm problems can be found here.

P vs. NP

... gives us a good guess out of many, many options in constant time, that leads to a "yes". In other words, NP is the set of all problems for which the instances where the answer is "yes" have efficiently verifiable proofs.

Random Permutation

... an index counter i i should be swapped with a random value that has not been taken. In other words, the random value then should be extracted from \(i ... n\), rather than \(0 ..

Kefir.js - Reactive Javascript

... object property) Streams A stream is a sequence of events made available over time. In other words, it can be seen as an array of events. Each index in this array describes a point in time.

Javascript Essentials

... an expression instead, where it resolves to some value, then we can expect it to work. In other words, var fcn = function(){ alert("hi") }(); will work just fine. These functions are called IIFE (Immediately Invokable Function Expressions).