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19 matches found for 'web'

Web Backend Security Headers - 1. CSP Headers

... or AngularJS can support CSP, however it is only needed if CSP contents somehow depend on the web application's state. In normal circumstances, CSP would be set in the response header from a load balancer or web application server.

Web Backend Security Headers -3. HSTS

... DNS records and SPF Background HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy mechanism that helps to protect websites against man-in-the-middle attacks such as protocol downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking.

Web Development 101

... typically runs on TCP port 80. It is a protocol for sending data through browsers in the form of webpages and such. One major flaw with HTTP is that it is vulnerable to man in the middle attacks.


... resources are served to the user from a pretty broad spectrum. This is because the demands of web pages are growing. Web pages now are more interactive with the user, and consequentially the front-end resources are larger in size, which is often a problem for the visitors accessing the page.

Basic Encryption

... are excellent when encryption is desired between two different endpoints. For example, when the web browser wants to send encrypted data to a web server, the web server will have the private key at hand to decrypt the incoming data, while the web browser (client) will encrypt data with the public key.

HTML and CSS Concepts

HTML Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. It was created by Tim Berners and it represents a document in the world wide web.

Javascript Essentials

... can push an event into the event loop concurrently, which is typically what happens inside modern web browsers such as Chrome and Firefox. Node.js vs. Javascript Javascript is a language.

Composite Pattern

... knows. Moving on, Frank decides that he wants his table of contents publicized on the world wide web, with detailed synopses of each chapter. He looks up some object oriented design ideas on the web and starts with the following.

Add SSL certificates to a website

Having a SSL certificate will enforce visitors to connect to a website via the HTTPS protocol, which runs on port 443. The server and the visitor will communicate and transmit encrypted data under this protocol.

Useful Links

This is a personal list of useful resources for improving web stacks, frameworks, development, UX, whatever that I come across! Software Engineering The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) Encryption vs.

Distributed scaling with Relational Databases

... for reads. Majority of SQL systems use single-leader replication with great success, especially websites that often have orders of magnitude more reads than writes. InnoDB, a storage engine for MySQL, does replication asynchronously by default.

Asynchrony vs. Multithreading

Asynchrony Asynchronous programming, also known as event-driven programming, is built on foundations of Futures/promises. The basic idea is that instead of having a thread wait for a blocked call to finish (i.

Comparison Charts of File Storage Formats

... formats are also very popular for passing data around with REST APIs, and it is convenient for web browsers since it works natively with Javascript. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .

Storing passwords into a database

... passwords for the most commonly used passwords? (Hint: it's already exists somewhere on the web) Another key thing is that your typical hash (MD5, SHA-256) is incredibly fast to execute, because their purpose is to verify file hash checksum integrities.

Scaling Instragram Infrastructure

... notifications to a person whose photo you liked: RabbitMQ -> Celery Django / Python for web server / application PostgreSQL to store users, medias, friendships, etc. Master with multiple replicas, where reads happen on replicas (Master-Slave Replication) To deal with increased latency with writes, by batching requests wherever possible Replication lag from Master to slave replicas was not a big issue (for them) Cassandra NoSQL (wide column store) to store user feeds, activities, etc.

Atomic operations with Elasticsearch

... minutes, if not hours. Let's also say that this index is currently visible to the world wide web, and visitors can see all of the documents in that index in real-time. While the DELETE operation is processing, visitors are going to be in shock when they find that their search results are declining in count rapidly.


Authentication Authentication means to verify who you are. Basic Auth Sensitive data required for login is encoded with Base64. Base64 is very easy to decode. Not recommended and probably the least secure authentication method, but easy to implement.

Misconceptions of Software Engineer interviews at FAANG

... are two different things, completely. You should practice both. There are lots of services on the web you can use to do mock interviews. Practice learning how to set up problems, talking, explaining, drawing, and illustrating ideas.

Seattle Conference on Scalability: YouTube Scalability

... enough There are many other bottlenecks such as waiting for calls from DB, cache, etc. Python web speed is "fast enough" and usually not the biggest bottleneck Development speed can be faster with Python and that is more critical psyco for Python -> C compiling Each video is hosted by a mini-cluster A cluster of machines that serve the exact same video Offers availability via backups Served with Apache at first.