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13 matches found for 'streaming'

Big Data Processing: Batching vs. Streaming

... in a few variants: batching, where we aggregate a collection of data (e.g., by hourly time), streaming for data that needs to be processed in real-time, and a unified variant which simply does not distinguish the technical difference between batching and streaming, allowing you to programmatically use the same API for both.

Apache Kafka and Event Streaming

Introduction Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform. Traditional message brokers are based off of the JMS / AMQP standard. These message brokers focus on a pub/sub model where publishers write messages to a queue and the queue is consumed by subscribers.

Traditional Message Queues vs. Log-based Message Brokers

Traditional Message Queues Traditional message queues are based off of the JMS / AMQP standard. These message brokers focus on a pub/sub model where publishers write messages to a queue and the queue is consumed by subscribers.


... can be pretty dynamic. Another advantage is that SSR allows the HTML response to be served in a streaming fashion, which is a good thing for modern browsers. By the time the user sees rendered content, the user can also expect the content to be fully interactive, since everything has been pre-generated by the server.

Kefir.js - Reactive Javascript

Background Kefir.js is a Reactive Programming library for JavaScript inspired by Bacon.js and RxJS, with focus on high performance and low memory usage. Kefir works with objects called observables. observables could be two things; a stream, or a property (not to be confused with a Javascript object property) Streams A stream is a sequence of events made available over time.

Data stores in Software Architectures

... Your very own "Google Drive" service When we think about a file storage service or a media streaming service (i.e. Youtube, Netflix, Spotify), we want to think about BLOBs (binary large objects).

What is DDD? What is CQRS?

Domain Driven Design DDD is an approach to developing software systems that is large and complex, and has ever-changing business rules. DDD captures the sweet spot between the business knowledge and the code.

Python Essentials

Scopes Python has closures, similar to Javascript, since functions are first class objects. But unlike Javascript, there are some subtle gotchas in regards to working with function scopes. nonlocal vs.

A primer on MapReduce

To first understand this very popular backend technology called MapReduce, let's take a look at Map and Reduce. Terminology The terms Map and Reduce are actually very popular higher-order functions used in functional programming.

Bash Syntax, Operators and Notations

Double Dash Used to signify the end of command options, after which only positional arguments are taken. For example, you may want to create an odd file named -abc. touch -abc will not result in the creation of a new file named -abc, however.

AWS Lambda and other Maven projects

Background AWS Lambda is a FaaS (Function as a service) that is event-driven and serverless. It is termed event-driven due to how AWS Lambda functions are invoked - the event that triggers a AWS Lambda function can be of many different types in the AWS realm.

Java Essentials

JVM Java is a statically typed language that is compiled into bytecode (i.e. with javac) and understood only by the JVM, or Java Virtual Machine. The JVM is an interpreter that reads the Java bytecode and translates them into machine code before execution.

TCP/IP and HTTP - Part 1

A Very Brief History TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. During the Cold War, in retaliation of the USSR's Sputnik, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) started ARPA, the Advanced Research Projects Agency.