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24 matches found for 'memory'

Stack Memory vs. Heap Memory

Stack Memory The stack memory is used within a context of a thread. It is called stack memory since memory blocks are allocated in LIFO order, based on the function call stack.

Virtual Memory

... Memory is best described as a swap file on your hard disk that holds memory information for your running applications. Memory is structured and managed in two different ways; paging and segmentation.

Scanning for memory addresses with Cheat Engine and ZSNES

Cheat Engine (CE) is an open source memory scanner/hex editor/debugger that works for Windows applications. Another way to put it is that CE is used to explore the memory that is dynamically allocated (by Windows) in games.

Java Essentials

... will excel for cross-platform support due to the JVM. Heap vs. Stack The heap is a part of memory that is reserved for allocation of reference types (i.e. Objects). The heap is generally slower than the stack but the heap is able to use a significantly larger amount of memory than the stack.

Design Concepts

... yourself the following: What cache application is suitable? i.e. Memcached? How much memory do you need? Use the result from the capacity estimation, and you should also add some allowance of free memory to prevent major issues such as out of memory errors.

B-Trees vs. LSM Trees

... programming languages, except that these page references are stored on disk as opposed to on memory. When B-Tree inserts and deletes happen, it can often split a node into two subtrees in order to satisfy the branching factor.

OS 101

... locks, and resolving resource related conflicts Memory management (e.g. virtual memory) IPC File system (e.g. virtual file system abstractions) Examples: Windows kernel, Linux kernel Hypervisor A hypervisor manages hardware resources such as CPU, memory, disk space as an abstraction across multiple operating systems or (virtual) instances.

Big Data Processing: Batching vs. Streaming

... behind the input being files is that large amounts of data simply fit easier into disk than on memory. Disks are also resilient and durable (enough) compared to memory, which will not persist contents in an inevitable scenario where the host dies from a hardware failure.

Seattle Conference on Scalability: YouTube Scalability

... servers have to be optimized very differently vs. the CDNs. The CDN data mostly comes from memory. For Youtube servers, commodity hardware was used, with not too little or too much memory.

Quick Numbers in Software Engineering Cheatsheet

... are general estimates. Depending on the language that implements them, the actual size stored in memory may vary. Data Type Byte(s) Explanation CHAR 1-4 bytes 1 byte is enough to cover all the characters in ASCII and then some (1 byte = 255 character choices).

Algorithm Handbook

... Note however, that for linked lists, this space is not required (do you know why?) Useful for memory intensive situations: The actual merge operation is \(O(n)\), and is very useful.

Asynchrony vs. Multithreading

... can arise and the code to write this might not be very straightforward. Debugging shared memory across multiple threads can be difficult. The benefit of multithreading is mainly performance - distributing intensive work to other threads means that your main thread can do more meaningful work.

A primer on MapReduce

... keeps track of which split belongs to which worker inside a meta-table that is housed inside its memory. The master host may go down sometimes but it's okay - it happens quite rarely and we can save the history of the master's actions somewhere and read from it, if we ever need to replace it.

Misconceptions of ASCII and Unicode

... 1 byte will be upsized to two bytes in UTF-16, this can result in a large overhead in terms of memory space usage. For this reason, if most strings use ASCII characters, it will be much more space-efficient to use UTF-8.

Working with Production at Amazon Retail Website

... for the hosts that are vital to its uptime. For example, low disk space, high CPU usage or high memory usage can indicate a server just waiting to crash and go down, causing your end users to suffer.

Kefir.js - Reactive Javascript

... library for JavaScript inspired by Bacon.js and RxJS, with focus on high performance and low memory usage. Kefir works with objects called observables. observables could be two things; a stream, or a property (not to be confused with a Javascript object property) Streams A stream is a sequence of events made available over time.

Next Permutation

... sorted in ascending order). Note: The replacement must be in-place and use only constant extra memory. Examples: 1,2,3 → 1,3,2 3,2,1 → 1,2,3 1,1,5 → 1,5,1 Input nums - Array of integers Approach This is a tricky problem.

Comparison Charts of File Storage Formats

... in a more convenient way for developers and end-users, with less importance on the data size (in memory or disk). For this reason, these formats are typically human readable. For example, CSV and TSV are very popular output formats for data analysts who may use programs like Microsoft Excel.

Python Essentials

... are iterating through large sets of data (i.e. a list of billions of objects) which takes up more memory than you have available on your machine running the Python code. Duck Typing TODO Data Structures Empty array list = [] Array with values list = [1, 2, 3] Empty hash map hashmap = {} Hash map with values hashmap = {'a': 'b'} Empty set s = set() Set with values s = set([1, 2, 3]) Min heap import heapq q = [] heapq.

Data stores in Software Architectures

... for quick geospatial queries, i.e. geohash, quadtrees. Since quadtrees are a general purpose, in-memory 4-child tree data structures, there is no specific data store that supports using quadtrees for geospatial queries.

DataFrames (a software engineer's perspective)

... are quite helpful in this regard, but the additional metadata also means more memory overhead. DataFrames for very large datasets (i.e., 100GB+) can be very slow to index and search through.

Web Development 101

... out as a MVC View library in a couple of ways: It makes use of Virtual DOM. This is an in-memory cache that computes and renders based on a diffing algorithm. Since the DOM is essentially a tree, and most DOM elements (i.

NumPy vs. Pandas, and other flavors (Dask, Modin, Ray)

... The annotations are quite helpful in analysis, but the additional metadata also means more memory overhead. DataFrames for very large datasets (i.e., 100GB+) can be very slow to index and search through.

A guide to const in C++

... object into the member variables of the w3 object. When you do, this w3 is a brand new object in memory which is NOT constant so you can alter it any way you want. const: When you place const in the blue position you are simply saying that the first object passed into the function is not allowed to be altered by that function.