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9 matches found for 'static'


... you. Gatsby Pros: Gatsby works by building your React Javascript code and turning it into static HTML files. That's basically it. You can do whatever you want with these static HTML files - you can have them returned by a server, or place them in a CDN.

Web Development 101

HTTP vs. HTTPS HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It typically runs on TCP port 80. It is a protocol for sending data through browsers in the form of webpages and such. One major flaw with HTTP is that it is vulnerable to man in the middle attacks.

Java Essentials

JVM Java is a statically typed language that is compiled into bytecode (i.e. with javac) and understood only by the JVM, or Java Virtual Machine. The JVM is an interpreter that reads the Java bytecode and translates them into machine code before execution.

Seattle Conference on Scalability: YouTube Scalability

Notes Apache isn't that great at serving static content for a large number of requests vs. NetScaler load balancing Python is fast enough There are many other bottlenecks such as waiting for calls from DB, cache, etc.

Build a Trie in Python

... (1 for each lowercase alphabet). This can be done by creating an array or hash map. Creating a static array, with a fixed size of 26 is the most optimal choice. Each index in this array should contain another Trie object, which will contain an array of its own for its own children.

NumPy vs. Pandas, and other flavors (Dask, Modin, Ray)

... data structures are built for computational performance, it usually involves programming with a statically typed mindset - for example, knowing your data types beforehand, or the size of your fixed array.

Algorithm Handbook

... and indexing. This has potential issues if the dataset is gigantic and the array is allocated statically - priority queues are used as an alternative. Python's heapq uses priority queues with the binary heap structure.

Phone Number Mnemonics in Python

... as writing current = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] if s was of size 5. The idea behind declaring it like a static list is to make use of the index assignments with lists. Our end goal is that we return a list of strings.

Data stores in Software Architectures

... assets to the rendering server. But a well accepted solution is to actually distribute all your static content - images, CSS styling, additional Javascript, videos, etc. to a CDN. Solutions: CDN (ex: AWS Cloudfront, Akamai) with assets compressed Runner-ups: Object store (ex: Amazon S3) would be suitable - geolocation can be considered Price Alerts Let's say you have an app that allows users to add pricing alerts when a certain item is detected at a cheap price.