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8 matches found for 'scalability'

Seattle Conference on Scalability: YouTube Scalability

Notes Apache isn't that great at serving static content for a large number of requests vs. NetScaler load balancing Python is fast enough There are many other bottlenecks such as waiting for calls from DB, cache, etc.

Scaling Instragram Infrastructure

Notes Sending notifications to a person whose photo you liked: RabbitMQ -> Celery Django / Python for web server / application PostgreSQL to store users, medias, friendships, etc. Master with multiple replicas, where reads happen on replicas (Master-Slave Replication) To deal with increased latency with writes, by batching requests wherever possible Replication lag from Master to slave replicas was not a big issue (for them) Cassandra NoSQL (wide column store) to store user feeds, activities, etc.

CAP Patterns

The CAP Theorem dictates that only two of its three characteristics can be guaranteed at any given time. Intro to CAP Consistency Every read will be based off of the latest write Availability Every request will be given a response, although the response data might be stale Partition Tolerance It can handle network partitions or network failures MTV's The Real World If your service is in the cloud, the P in Partitioning has to always be accounted for.

What is DDD? What is CQRS?

... and write model, or having a separate read store and write store. PRO: Improves performance and scalability by using separate interfaces for the read and update. For example, if there are more reads than writes, then the read side can be fine-tuned separately from the write side.

Traditional Message Queues vs. Log-based Message Brokers

Traditional Message Queues Traditional message queues are based off of the JMS / AMQP standard. These message brokers focus on a pub/sub model where publishers write messages to a queue and the queue is consumed by subscribers.

AWS Lambda and other Maven projects

Background AWS Lambda is a FaaS (Function as a service) that is event-driven and serverless. It is termed event-driven due to how AWS Lambda functions are invoked - the event that triggers a AWS Lambda function can be of many different types in the AWS realm.

Web Development 101

HTTP vs. HTTPS HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It typically runs on TCP port 80. It is a protocol for sending data through browsers in the form of webpages and such. One major flaw with HTTP is that it is vulnerable to man in the middle attacks.

Apache Kafka and Event Streaming

Introduction Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform. Traditional message brokers are based off of the JMS / AMQP standard. These message brokers focus on a pub/sub model where publishers write messages to a queue and the queue is consumed by subscribers.