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Virtual Memory

... physical memory. Then, assuming that the new application is smaller in size than the freed up program, the new application will now have its contents in physical memory. Segmentation exposes a problem of memory fragmentation where small, free spaces can start to appear as more and more applications become allocated and freed in memory.

Web Development 101

... DOM elements and replacing them with new ones. It uses JSX templates. This is a React-specific grammar extension to Javascript. It is basically like the offspring of HTML and Javascript.

B-Trees vs. LSM Trees

... you'll come to find the singular pages. This idea is similar to pointers in low level programming languages, except that these page references are stored on disk as opposed to on memory.

Quick Numbers in Software Engineering Cheatsheet

Preface This article is a cheatsheet and a collection of tips/tricks for doing back of the envelope calculations. Numbers Data Types to Bytes Note: keep in mind that these are general estimates.

A primer on MapReduce

... terms Map and Reduce are actually very popular higher-order functions used in functional programming. Map A map is used to apply a function on each element in some container and transform them.

Big Data Processing: Batching vs. Streaming

... does not distinguish the technical difference between batching and streaming, allowing you to programmatically use the same API for both. Batching Batch data processing can also be known as offline jobs.