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5 matches found for 'message queue'

Traditional Message Queues vs. Log-based Message Brokers

Traditional Message Queues Traditional message queues are based off of the JMS / AMQP standard. These message brokers focus on a pub/sub model where publishers write messages to a queue and the queue is consumed by subscribers.

Data stores in Software Architectures

... input this data into Spark Streaming and store the output into a database like Cassandra or a message queue like RabbitMQ for notifications. Services can then query the output database or receive the messages from the message queue to return real time data back to the user Since we have big data with respect to time, we can use something like a Time Series Database (TSDB) such as InfluxDB, rather than Data Warehouse or Cassandra.

Design Concepts

... Queue The Publisher/Subscriber Model is a pretty popular design pattern, and message queues such as RabbitMQ are also a very popular implementation of that. With message queues, subscribers can constantly poll for the result of their request.

Apache Kafka and Event Streaming

Introduction Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform. Traditional message brokers are based off of the JMS / AMQP standard. These message brokers focus on a pub/sub model where publishers write messages to a queue and the queue is consumed by subscribers.

Javascript Essentials

... is added whenever an event occurs and a listener is attached to it. A JavaScript runtime uses a message queue, which is a list of messages to be processed. Each message has an associated function which gets called in order to handle the message.