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4 matches found for 'cryptocurrency'

Ether and Ethereum is not the same thing

Ether vs. Ethereum Ethereum is... A network built on blockchain technology It's focus is to have decentralized apps (DAPPS) Based on Smart Contracts: A self-executing contract where given an input, a certain is output is guaranteed.

NFT from a Software Developer's perspective

What is a NFT? A NFT (non-fungible token) is: A unit of data for blockchains with smart contracts functionality (i.e. Ethereum, Cardano) Uniquely represents one entity One non-fungible token cannot be equivalent to another non-fungible token What does it contain? It contains these three bare essentials: An ID that guarantees uniqueness An owner The owner may change over time when NFTs are exchanged with buyers A link to the digital asset metadata Can be untrustworthy and centralized http links, or a link to darknet services / P2P distributed storages (i.

Useful Links

This is a personal list of useful resources for improving web stacks, frameworks, development, UX, whatever that I come across! Software Engineering The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) Encryption vs.

Data stores in Software Architectures

... trends within the last year In this problem, we want to figure out the statistical data of cryptocurrency within the last year, down to a minute's granularity. We have millions of data points which consist of transactions, which ultimately indicate the price, volume and timestamps.