Search Results

6 matches found for 'adjacency'

Paint adjacent boundaries with distinct colors

In my recent A.I. class, I had an assignment where I had to write some code that will paint the countries of Africa with distinct colors. For the colors, I was given a domain of set(['red','blue','white','yellow','green']).

Flip adjacent colors in a 2D matrix

Problem Given a 2D array of black-and-white points and an entry point, flip the color of all points connected to the entry point (including the entry point itself). Input A: 2D boolean array of size greater than \(n\) \times \(m\), where False represents the color black and True represents the color white.

4 Line Depth-first Search

... = [A, B, C, D, E] We should also have our edges defined somewhere. Edges are best defined in an adjacency list, which should be used to represent the neighbors of a vertex. Starting Point Once we have our vertices defined, we can now define an algorithm that accounts for all vertices in the highest-level view so that all nodes and edges in the graph are accounted for.

Find a path in a maze from start to finish

Problem Given a 2D array which represents a maze, a start point, and an end point, find a path from the start point to the end point if it exists. Input maze: 2D boolean array of size greater than 1 x 1, where False represents a wall (not traversable) and True represents an empty space (traversable) start: an object with x, y coordinates end: an object with x, y coordinates Approach The key to solving this problem is DFS.

Topological Sorting

... array, allocate an array of 0s. Add 1 to the count for a given vertex when you create the adjacency list. Start filling the queue with vertices that have N-degree = 0 Loop through the queue.

Algorithm Handbook

Introduction Welcome to the algorithm handbook wiki! In this wiki you will find a mini-cheat sheet overview of data structures, and examples of their usages in modern languages. Algorithm problems can be found here.