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13 matches found for 'Java'

Java Essentials

JVM Java is a statically typed language that is compiled into bytecode (i.e. with javac) and understood only by the JVM, or Java Virtual Machine.

AWS Lambda and other Maven projects

... in many ways; as of this writing, one can write a AWS Lambda application with Python, Node.js, or Java 8. To build AWS Lambda applications, an open-source framework called AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) can be used.

Spring - Injecting more than one bean of the same type

Problem By default, Spring will autowire beans by type. When a bean is created that depends on other beans, it will check for the existence of the required dependencies by types. Creating another bean of the same type will result in a very common exception: NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException.

Inversion of Control (IoC)

IoC, or Inversion of Control, is essentially a way of dealing with dependency injection. Frameworks like Spring are well known for this idea. In traditional control flows, a subclass may depend on another class for certain dependencies.

Algorithm Handbook

... string can be returned via "".join(list_variable). This is similar to using a StringBuffer in Java. Strings are immutable by nature Palindromes are special strings where the contents of the string are mirrored.

DataFrames (a software engineer's perspective)

... is still pretty young and early in development. Spark DataFrames Spark is primarily Java / Scala based, which might be difficult to work with when passing datasets over from Python.

Javascript Essentials

Hoisting Hoisting is JavaScript's default behavior of moving declarations to the top. Given the following Javascript code, what is the expected output, and why? fcn2(); fcn1(); function fcn2(){ alert("hi"); } var fcn1 = function(){ alert("hey") } The expected output is a pop up alert that says "hi", followed by an error that fcn1 isn't defined.

Asynchrony vs. Multithreading

... call is finished. There are various implementations for asynchronous programming. For example, Java 8's CompleteableFuture is an example where, when a blocking call needs to be made in the main thread, it spins up another thread (CompleteableFuture is based on the Runnable interface) to keep track of that call while the main thread continues with its execution.

Javascript Concepts

... is a block-level declaration var is a global-level declaration Functions Javascript functions are first-class objects because they can have properties and methods just like any other object.

Google Protocol Buffers

... it allows you to compile schemas for your data in popular languages such as Python, C++, Go, Java, etc. protobuf is backwards-compatible, meaning that your program can still use deprecated data without breaking anything.

Stack Memory vs. Heap Memory

... use a much wider range of available system memory in a dynamic fashion. Languages like C/C++ and Java can utilize heap memory by instantiating objects using the new keyword. Depending on the language, they can also grant direct controls to manipulating objects in heap memory, i.

Python Essentials

Scopes Python has closures, similar to Javascript, since functions are first class objects. But unlike Javascript, there are some subtle gotchas in regards to working with function scopes.

Spring - Basic Concept

... locally, or a class annotated with @Configuration at compile-time. The latter is known as the Java based configuration, which is a more recent feature and strongly preferred over the former XML based configuration.