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5 matches found for 'Dependency Injection'

Web Development 101

... it had the last time I looked, apply this diff to it. DELETE: Remove a given resource. Dependency Injection Dependency injection is a technique that allows you to have one object supply dependencies into another object.

Inversion of Control (IoC)

IoC, or Inversion of Control, is essentially a way of dealing with dependency injection. Frameworks like Spring are well known for this idea. In traditional control flows, a subclass may depend on another class for certain dependencies.

Spring - Basic Concept

Spring has an object called the "Bean Factory". This factory creates new objects, or rather, new Beans for us, without the need of instantiating via the new keyword. The factory reads off of a Spring configuration file, which can either be a XML file stored locally, or a class annotated with @Configuration at compile-time.

Spring - Injecting more than one bean of the same type

Problem By default, Spring will autowire beans by type. When a bean is created that depends on other beans, it will check for the existence of the required dependencies by types. Creating another bean of the same type will result in a very common exception: NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException.

Web Backend Security Headers - 1. CSP Headers

Table of Contents Web Backend Security Headers CSP Headers CSRF Headers HSTS X-Frame-Options and X-XSS-Protection DNS records and SPF Background Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security standard introduced to prevent cross-site scripting, clickjacking and other code injection attacks.