Introduction 10 years ago, Amazon found that every 100ms of latency cost them 1% in sales. Google found an extra .5 seconds in search page generation »
Introduction 10 years ago, Amazon found that every 100ms of latency cost them 1% in sales. Google found an extra .5 seconds in search page generation »
Asynchrony Asynchronous programming, also known as event-driven programming, is built on foundations of Futures/promises. The basic idea is that instead of having a thread wait »
Webpack has been around since 2012 and it is a very popular tool nowadays. You'll see it mentioned in a lot of front-end stacks. I've personally »
Objects new Object() and {} is semantically the same, but the {} is called object literal syntax. To do a deep-copy of an object, use Object.assign(target, »
Hoisting Hoisting is JavaScript's default behavior of moving declarations to the top. Given the following Javascript code, what is the expected output, and why? fcn2(); fcn1( »