2023's EOY Tech Buzz Words

Here are some great buzz words to learn so that engineers and colleagues at work will think you're less of an imposter at work ;)

Generative AI

With the following of ChatGPT, "generative AI" has caught on as a buzz word. It's a blanket term for describing the category of AI that generates new content. The new content can be images (i.e. through some text-to-image generator like Dall-E), deep fake videos, or other content types such as songs with AI generated voices.


Emperical is often used with terms like "emperical evidence". In this context, emperical is used to mean something that can be proven right or wrong by actual experiments or by experience. Emperical evidence would be the opposite of theory and pure logic.

Example sentences:

  • "Theoretically, the algorithm would work, but there is emperical proof that this does not work as expected in real-time."
  • "The books say this code works, but emperically speaking, modern compilers say otherwise."


Interpolate is a popular word most commonly used in programming idioms like "string interpolation". To inter-polate, is to insert something into or in between.

Example sentences:

  • "Dynamic numbers are interpolated into this string via code."

By virtue of

Just another fancy way of saying "because of".

Example sentences:

  • "Technology has failed mankind by virtue of irresponsible handling of devices."


GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. In simple terms, it is a type of large language model (LLM) that uses large neural networks under the hood.

What's more crucial when talking about GPT is to understand that "ChatGPT" is not the same as "GPT". GPT is a model, where as ChatGPT is the "Chat" variant product based on the GPT model. Furthermore, ChatGPT can be based on different GPT models, i.e. GPT 3.5 or GPT 4.0.