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6 matches found for 'future'

Asynchrony vs. Multithreading

Asynchrony Asynchronous programming, also known as event-driven programming, is built on foundations of Futures/promises. The basic idea is that instead of having a thread wait for a blocked call to finish (i.

B-Trees vs. LSM Trees

... of overwhelming the memory capacity. Of course, only having a single SSTable segment won't be future-proof, since it will just keep growing and growing until disk space runs out. To counter this problem, SSTables are split up into smaller segments, and periodically, these segments go through the process of compaction and merging.


... whenever we evaluate a number as prime, what if we use that number to somehow mark the future numbers as not prime? We can implement this by having a boolean array flag, which will cost us a bit more in space complexity, but save us a good deal of performance in time complexity.

AWS Lambda and other Maven projects

... (or maybe even other Lambda functions), it will be bound to cause conflicts (either now or in the future). I think it suffices to say that these classes should belong in a separate Maven project that does not have to re-package itself via maven-shade-plugin or something similar.

Web Backend Security Headers -3. HSTS

... (HSTS headers over HTTP are ignored). For example, a server could send a header such that future requests to the domain for the next year (max-age is specified in seconds; 31,536,000 is equal to one non-leap year) use only HTTPS: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000.

NFT from a Software Developer's perspective

... different blockchains is typically not feasible at this time, although this may change in the future with more interoperability in blockchains. NOT technically owning the digital asset You own the token that allows you to control the digital asset in the blockchain.